Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Junior Brown

I managed to stumble upon the genius of Junior Brown recently. The man is a MONSTER guitar player, but with a twist. He builds his own instruments, which is a one-bodied hybrid of a telecaster on top, and then a lap steel on the bottom! The lap steel is angled ever-so-slightly upward so he can play both and not hurt himself. The whole thing rests on a stand and he has his feet controlling his volume for all the lovely swells on the lap. After discovering this madman, I was pleased to be informed by Emmy that we'll BOTH be playing at the Roots on the River Festival! Yikes! Plus, i've reportedly heard that between sets, him and his wife (who plays acoustic in the band) have been known to go out on the street and preach the word of the lord. Hallelujah.

I want to suggest this song to add to the Sweetback repetoire, however i don't know who would sing it. Stefan? You're voice can do that, right?

1:19 is particularly note-worthy.

-Little Rolling Thunder


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