1) Zara and Stefan got iPhones, increasing the band's ratio of iPhone-owners-to-people-who-can't-check-their-email-in-the-van from 1:5 to 3:3.
2) We played our second show of our January residency at the Living Room
3) I schooled Peter Bitenc in Scrabble. Boo yeah!
4) We opened for Eilen Jewell at the Sellersville Theater
5) We all tasted quail for the first time. Thank you, Sellersville Theater, for buying us dinner at that lovely restaurant!
6) We played a really fun show at the Mauch Chunk Opera house.
7) I learned about how Jim Thorpe, PA got it's name (it was once Mauch Chunk, PA). I won't retell the story here, but you can check out the Wikipedia article.
Here are some pictures of our adventures...
Stefan reads a book backstage:

Jesse warms up in Jim Thorpe:

I learn how Mauch Chunk became Jim Thorpe:

Performing in the town formerly known as Mauch Chunk, PA (at the lovely Mauch Chunk Opera House):

Thanks to Jerry Hoare for the bottom three pictures at the Mauch Chunk Opera House and to Ross Bellenoit for the artsy iPhone pic of Stefan.
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