Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The House of Ice

Current mood: chipper

Hey y'all.

We had our first show of the tour last night! And with only a few minor complications... We got a call 24 hours before the show informing us that we couldn't play as scheduled at Elkins' premier Venezuelan restaurant (long story...) so Emily and Jesse scrambled around calling every joint in town and landed a gig at a bar called the Ice House, which was actually used as such back in the day. What is an ice house, you ask? Read on...

"Ice House (Circa 1890s)
A cyclindrical stone structure, originally built by Stephen B. Elkins, the Ice House stored the Elkins family's ice supply when they were in residence at Halliehurst during the summer months. In 1969, the structure was refurbished and has since been used as a coffee house/pub."

The building is a three-level cylinder of stone and concrete, complete with two balconies along the perimeter and spiral staircases. You walk in on the top and go down into the depths to get your beer. We played on the middle balcony, and since the building is fully open in the middle people could hear us from all levels. Man, NYC would kill for a bar like this!

We spent the night out at Jesse's parents' cabin (really a house in the woods) out on the edge of the Monongahela National Forest. After some whiskey and generous helpings of Jesse's two-day old birthday cake, we happily went to bed.

We woke to snow, real life snow! How strange to actually be excited for snow in the heart of winter. Global warming will do that to you.

Alright well, off to Baltimore!


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